
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Completing My Tracings...

I decided to create four small tracings no bigger than A3 size to make it easier for me to print onto fabric. I wasn't doing a repeat print so this meant it was easier to draw out my images. I used black marker pens to complete my design ready for it to be exposed onto screens ready for screen printing. I had to use black pens so that it was dark enough when exposing the screens. These tracings didn't take long to draw and overall I am happy that my designs fit my brief and shows that my inspiration came from my sheet work designs. Here are my tracings!

Screen 1: This is my first tracing that I did inspired by my development sheets. Its a simple design with a cultural stylised floral feel. I like this drawing because it sums up all my sheet work in one even though its a fairly small image less than A3 size.

Screen 2: This is the second part to my first screen. This screen is so that I can have two colours within one print. I had to line it up on the light box to get it correct. It didn't line up perfectly but it still prints well.

Screen 3: This is my smaller screen that I will use in between my main screens. I also used this screen for my business cards as it was perfect size. This screen was also quick to complete but still effective.

Screen 4: This screen is off my 2nd development sheet as it is a simple but beautiful design. This screen will be used either for puff binder or as a pale colour to overlap my other screens which will be dark in colour. Overall I am pleased with my final tracings and I look forward to screen printing with them.

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