How I Did It...
This was my first time knitting, I used 3.75mm bamboo knitting needles for my first ever sample and went on to use 4mm metal knitting needles. knitting is where you use two long needles to connect wool or yarn into knitted joined rows. It was tricky at first but eventually it became easier, I then began to really enjoy it. I learned how to cast on and cast off. At first I dropped a few stitches, but the more practice I had the better I became. Health and safety: beware needles can be sharp, always concentrate avoid needles being near your eyes.
Knitting wool, 3.75mm bamboo knitting needles. |
Casting on. This was tricky at first but I got the hang of it. |
Knitting samples using various colours of yarn and wool, I dropped a few stitches because it was my second ever sample, I also gained and lost stitches, this is where stitches are added or lost in a row. |
Knitting sample done with 4mm metal needles, thick wool (different colours throughout wool ball) this was my biggest sample and the thickest of all of them. I like this one because its the neatest knit I have done so far. |
The one on the right is my first ever knitting piece, the ones on the left are the ones where I had more practice. I used yarn and wool. I struggled knitting because I did it too tight . I found it easier knitting with yarn because it felt stiffer.
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