Felt Making Process
I started off by laying down a towel on the table, then I placed a piece of bubble wrap on top of the towel, I then selected different colours of felt fibers and placed them in one direction, I then got some more felt fibers and placed them in the other direction. I layered the the felt fibers really thick so that the result would be better. I then added some more felt into different patterns and images. Once I had placed the felt fibers down I then placed the net on top. I then poured a mix of water and washing up liquid over the felt fibers to soak it. I pressed the water with my hands making sure all the felt had been drenched in water and to remove all the pockets of air. I removed the net from the felt and began to roll the felt in the bubble wrap. I then rolled for about 4 minutes one way then the same the other way. Each time, I added more water so that the felt fibers lock together to create a strong piece of felt. Each time I rolled I stretched the felt out both ways because the felt shrinks quite alot. I then wrapped the felt in a piece of cotton and placed it in boiling hot water for 1 minute, this stiffens the felt and rinses out the soap. The towel was there to catch all the excess water. I then left it to naturally dry. Overall I really enjoyed felt making because it creates strong fabric, however its quite tiring and time consuming. Health and safety: be careful water isn't too hot, try to avoid spillages on the floor as you could slip, wear gloves if sensitive to felt.
Wet felt making tools, coloured felt fibers, soapy water, towel, net and bubble wrap. |
Wet felt process, purple, turquoise, blue and pink felt fibers scattered to create pattern. This was easy to do but I wasn't too pleased with the result because it didn't portray anything. |
Wet felt process, white, red, pink,yellow,and green to create a flower. I like this sample because it looks really effective, it was quite difficult to keep the flower shape because the felt fibers kept moving. |
Wet felt process, dark pink, scrap material, white balls and holes in the felt to create individuality. It was easy to do, but I didn't roll the felt long enough so the felt ended up not locking together properly. |
Wet felt process, turquoise felt, coloured string in between the felt fibers. I like this sample because I used man made material in the fabric. |
Wet felt process, beige, dark green, pale green felt. I like this sample because the colours are in different shades of green and it looks quite organic. |
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